Tuesday 24 November 2015


These are the tree trailers that I have decided to use as a comparison and an idea of
what my group wants are trailer to look like, or follow the themes of. These three are
most appropriate trailers that we could find that made links to are ideas and concepts,
i will start by discussing the links between ours and John Carpenters very famous,
"Halloween". Halloween involves the "Final Girl" theory very heavily, which ours
will include. Our main character "Sam" is a young girl who is quite boyish and virginal,
much like Halloweens "Laurie".

The strangers is a more visual connection, simply in the fact that our killer, "Mr.Creek"
wears a plain white mask, much like the killers in the strangers. The strangers also are
stalkers, who bother the house owners by tormenting them with fear, which is basically
what Mr.Creek is going to do.

Finally, "The Babadook". This Movie provides ideas for the physical look of Mr. Creek
as he will be wearing a top hat and suit much like The Babadook. This movie is also based
around a children's book, much like our movie is.

Mr. Creek is a stalker/ supernatural horror movie that follows the themes of these all
three of these movies, so the links are very evident in that sense, and have all played a part
in influencing my horror movie trailer.

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